La solución de gestión de recursos humanos y liquidación de haberes.
Nuestro sistema de software es una herramienta que te permitirá gestionar de forma sencilla, segura y eficiente los recursos de tu empresa; desde la liquidación de los haberes de todos tus colaboradores, hasta sus legajos, licencias, presentismo y mucho más.
Tus colaboradores podrán acceder fácilmente a la plataforma para realizar pedidos y verificaciones, entre otras funcionalidades.
Contarás con las herramientas necesarias para realizar y controlar los diferentes procesos de liquidación de haberes.
Podrás gestionar fácilmente la información de tus colaboradores de forma integral mediante diversos módulos.
Sistema parametrizable que se adapta a los requisitos de tu empresa.
“The Municipality of Tacuarembó began to implement Payroll in January 2021. We feel there have been improvements in all aspects, since we’ve been able to improve our work processes, and therefore provide better support to the areas that require our services and to the end users, namely the municipal workers. We’ve found valuable information relevant to the areas (payroll processing and accounting) […]”
“We considered a change because the Municipality of Rivera was using a version that was over twenty years old […]. With the tasks performed to date, we can safely say that the change was a good option which positioned the Municipality of Rivera at the forefront with an advanced product, allowing us to provide a quicker, better support response for the necessary changes. [...] we have all the modules in one single window, with a much more accessible, far more intuitive menu. [...] Another thing we see as an advantage is the “self-consultation” module. It should be noted that the "Staff Management" module, where you record practically everything related to the staff members, which makes it most important for the Personnel Department, works properly, plus it’s easier to enter the information than with the previous system…”