At Interfase ISA, we’ve been carrying out software tests on projects and products for more than 7 years. We’ve had excellent results working together with organizations of the Uruguayan government and its Ministries, as well as with clients in other countries, such as Paraguay, which certifies our work.
We have collaborated with organizations within the country, such as UTE (electric utility), Antel (telecommunications utility), OPP (Office of Planning and Budget), OSE (water utility), Agesic, MTOP (Ministry of Transport and Public Works), MGAP (Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries), DNIC (National Civil Registry Office), Municipalities of Montevideo, Maldonado and Canelones, and BSE (State Insurance Bank), among others.
We provide a professional service based on a methodology adaptable to traditional or streamlined development processes through the use of tools and metrics that facilitate communication within the team.
Herramientas: Casos de prueba.
Herramientas: Katalon Studio Enterprise, Runtime Engine, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE.
Herramientas: Postman, SoapUI.
Categorías: Validaciones HTML, CSS y WCAG; Respnsive; Cross Browsing.
Herramientas: Total Validator Pro V 17.3.0 (setiembre 2023), CCA, No Coffee, TAW, Link Checker, Checklist, Total Validator, Lambdatest.
Categorías: Real Devices.
Herramientas: Lambdatest.
Categorías: Manual Pentest, Pentest Automatizado.
Herramientas: Scripts de Seguridad, comprobaciones de sistema de autenticación/autorización, Kali Linux (ZAP, Maltego, Beef, Skipfish, NMAP, Burp Suite, Sparta, Whatweb, Metasploit, sqlmap, Wireshark).
Categorías: Manual, Automatizado.
Herramientas: Fiddler, Blaze Meter (grabaciones), Jmeter.
We have a staff undergoing constant training.